Sunday, April 25, 2010

Elegant Simplicity Retreat

A friend of mine called John Reed has written a book called 'Elegant Simplicity'
On the back cover of the book says:
"In this important, challenging and timely book, John Reed mades reference to the millennial wisdom teachings of all traditions to indicate that the ego, by obscuring the need for inner change, is not only an obstacle to our survival in the future, but also to our happiness in the present. In face of the rising complexities of our modern world, the author reveals that only in inner and outer simplicity can true fulfillment be found. By demanding less, we should be ready to give more. Instead of using nature as a dispensable commodity, we can respect our natural environment, conserve its beauty and sense our affiliation to it. By freeing ourselves from the constraints of egoism, we discover that elegant simplicity is not only a fundamental expression of our true human nature, but also a possible solution to the mounting psychological, social, economic and ecological challenges that we face in the world today.

John Ree was born in Brazil in 1946 of Brazilian mother and British father. Educated in Britain and Canada, he has lived and worked at various occupations in France and the US. He presently splits his time between South West France and New England, where he and his French wife have an Art and Antiques business in Maine.

There will be a retreat held at the Kismet Inn called 'Elegant Simplicity'
The retreat will be:

'Elegant Simplicity Retreat"

Are the wisdom teachings relevant to our lives today? Do you believe that the egoistic habits that characterize life in society at present are, in fact, an obstacle to happiness and well-being?

If so, Shadi the innkeeper invites you to her beautiful home in Maine for a weekend of reflection with John Reed, author of 'Elegant Simplicity. Reflections on an Alternative Way of Being' (see attachment) to explore whether inner and outer simplicity can give you the fulfillment you seek.

Shadi with the help of her friend, Dominique, from France offer you a unique retreat of warm hospitality, organic cooking, yoga and informal discussions at the Kismet Inn Bed and Breakfast on these issues.

Dates: June 12,13, 2010

July: 17,18 2010

August: 8, 2010 - A Day Retreat

September: 11,12, 2010

October: 9, 10, 2010

November: 12,13, 2010

Cost: $995 per couple

$850 per person

Includes 2 nights stay, 2 dinners, 2 lunches, 2 breakfasts, 1 yoga session. A movie and A copy of the book 'Elegant Simplicity' by John Reed-

I sincerely hope to see some of you at the retreat.

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